The world's first crypto and NFT mining platform for
Social Audio
Built on
Decibel is the world's first Voice to Crypto converter
We are a SocialFi blockchain platform where every user can earn tokens through their activity. Actions like listening to audio rooms, moderation or making speeches on famous social platforms are rewarded with d₿c tokens.
function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool); emit Deposit(msg.sender, clubId, amount); function getRoomMemberReward(uint256 nonce, bytes memory signature, uint256 roomId, uint256 clubId, RoomMemberMetricsData memory roomMemberMetricsData) external; function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual; emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); function totalSupply() public view virtual override returns (uint256); function calculateRoomReward(RoomMetricsDataProcessed memory roomMetricsDataProcessed) internal view returns (uint256); emit FarmRoom(roomId, reward); function farmRoom(uint256 roomId, uint256 clubId, RoomMetricsData memory roomMetricsData) public onlyOwner; function computeRoomMemberReward(Room memory room, RoomMember memory roomMember) ; emit GetRoomMemberReward(msg.sender, reward); function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool); function computeRoomMemberReward(Room memory room, RoomMember memory roomMember) public view returns (uint256); emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); function balanceOf(address account) public view virtual override returns (uint256);
function transferFrom(address sender, address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool); emit Deposit(msg.sender, clubId, amount); function getRoomMemberReward(uint256 nonce, bytes memory signature, uint256 roomId, uint256 clubId, RoomMemberMetricsData memory roomMemberMetricsData) external; function _mint(address account, uint256 amount) internal virtual; emit Transfer(sender, recipient, amount); function totalSupply() public view virtual override returns (uint256); function calculateRoomReward(RoomMetricsDataProcessed memory roomMetricsDataProcessed) internal view returns (uint256); emit FarmRoom(roomId, reward); function farmRoom(uint256 roomId, uint256 clubId, RoomMetricsData memory roomMetricsData) public onlyOwner; function computeRoomMemberReward(Room memory room, RoomMember memory roomMember) ; emit GetRoomMemberReward(msg.sender, reward); function transfer(address recipient, uint256 amount) public virtual override returns (bool); function computeRoomMemberReward(Room memory room, RoomMember memory roomMember) public view returns (uint256); emit Approval(owner, spender, amount); function balanceOf(address account) public view virtual override returns (uint256);
155 d₿c 887 d₿c 74 d₿c 712 d₿c 388 d₿c 346 d₿c 946 d₿c 608 d₿c 693 d₿c 867 d₿c 842 d₿c 166 d₿c 377 d₿c 686 d₿c 777 d₿c 998 d₿c 690 d₿c 211 d₿c 212 d₿c 170 d₿c
155 d₿c 887 d₿c 74 d₿c 712 d₿c 388 d₿c 346 d₿c 946 d₿c 608 d₿c 693 d₿c 867 d₿c 842 d₿c 166 d₿c 377 d₿c 686 d₿c 777 d₿c 998 d₿c 690 d₿c 211 d₿c 212 d₿c 170 d₿c
Since the appearance of the first blockchains and subsequently smart contracts, we have not seen a real large-scale application of these tools in the existing business. Unfortunately, most of all smart contracts perform the simple function of token distributing by mining or farming. As a consequence, these tokens often lack a real use case and value.
The Decibel team has found a crypto solution to monetize users' attention most harmoniously and humanely. Content providers will be able to earn tokens by monetizing their subscribers and active users. Users and subscribers will be able to exchange their attention and time for liquid Decibel tokens and earn income by participating in audio rooms, combining business with pleasure!
The DecibelCoin token (d₿c)
The d₿c is the fuel, powering Decibel platform
The uniqueness of the Decibel Coin is based on the implementation of a new emission distribution algorithm, where each new token is minted thanks to the paid attention of active users. We called this algorithm - Proof of Attention algorithm (POA).
Max supply
10B d₿c
0.01 USD
Initial Market Cap.
625K USD
Fully-diluted Market Cap.
71.4M USD
Av. emission per min.
1 d₿c / minute
Utility Cases for d₿c token
The Decibel Coin team has found the way to monetize users' attention in the most harmonious and humane way
d₿c Audio Mining
Mining tokens by listening to audio rooms, moderating or making speeches.
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Defi platform
Users provide liquidity to the LP and earn rewards in d₿c tokens. You can trade and exchange your tokens d₿c tokens.
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Audio NFT marketplace
The most valuable and bright moments of the speeches and individual remarks of the speakers will be presented here for sale.
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Audio advertising platform
Automated service for promoting bloggers, brands and any content providers.
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Decibel platform for Clubhouse
Jump in by choosing your role in Clubhouse.
Earn d₿c tokens through your activity.
For Clubs Owners
The club owner receives 5% of all d₿c tokens farmed by the members of his club.
For Moderators, Speakers, Listeners
The accrual of d₿c tokens to club's members depends on the level of their activity within the club's rooms.
For Investors
Decibel is a prospective project with a potential audience of millions. Investment in the d₿c token is an investment both in your future and the future of the entire SocialFi crypto industry.
Follow next steps
1. Create Decibel account
Sign up to the Decibel and connect your Clubhouse account to it.
2. Buy d₿c tokens
Buy d₿c tokens on PancakeSwap.
3. Start club membership
Become club member to get access to mining in club’s rooms.
4. Stake d₿c tokens
Stake d₿c tokens to Club’s staking pool. The more d₿c tokens you stake, the more potential reward is.
5. Visit room
Participate in the club's room and be active. The more active you are, the more potential reward is.
6. Claim reward
Claim earned in the club’s rooms d₿c tokens.
How much d₿c can I farm on Decibel Platform?
Room data
Room member data
Time listened
15 min
Time speaked
2.5 min
Time moderated
5 min
50 d₿c
Is club owner
You farmed:
0.1199 d₿c
0.0012 USD
Room farmed:
359.6173 d₿c
3.5962 USD
Decibel Metrics
Communities members
0 d₿c
Total value staked (TVL)
0 d₿c
Total reward mined
Decibel Rankings
Top-10 Clubhouse rooms on Decibel
Audio NFT marketplace
The most valuable and bright moments of the speeches and individual remarks of the speakers will be presented here for sale. Thus, any content provider will receive an additional monetization tool for their product.
At the moment, the Decibel Coin team consists of eight crypto enthusiasts. There are representatives of different cultures and professions among us. We have different pasts, but we are united by a common future and an understanding of what it should be. Our task is to create a unique product of its kind.
Co-founder & CEO
IT-Tech, StartUp, Crypto Enthusiast, Blockchain Evangelist, Influencer, Blogger, Advisor, Investor.
Blockchain Engineer
Data Scientist. Blockchain smart contract developer.
Experience: Unitbox
Mr. A
Design Lead
UX/UI Designer. 20+ years
Experience: Status
Q1 2022 - Q3 2022
Whitepaper and Pitch deck
d₿c token design
Audio mining in Clubhouse
Audio mining platform launch in testnet
Q3 2022
Audio mining in Twitter Spaces
Participating in hackatons and accelerators
Private sale
Q4 2022
Audio mining platform launch in mainnet
Public sale
DEX listing - PancakeSwap
Audio mining in Discord and Reddit
Audio advertising platform
Q1 2023
Defi platform
Audio mining in Telegram and Meta
Audio NFT marketplace
Multichain support
Fiat bridge